Tuesday, 12 April 2016

All ABout Me

WALT: create a poster representing you and about you.
Today I have created this poster representing me and what I am proud of.

I am Unique

WALT: create a poster that represents the unique person that you are.
Today I have created this  poster representing why I am unique and we all have differences inside us.

Friday, 8 April 2016

MOH - Persuasive Writing ( IDeas to write a letter about )

WALT: write a persuasive letter about the topic we are passion about.
Today I have created this presentation about 3 things that should or should not be banned in New Zealand.

Syria Refugees

WALA: what would we do if this many refugees wanted to come and live in New Zealand.

So today I have created this presentation about Refugees from Syrian traveling to New Zealand.

Tuesday, 5 April 2016

Mermaid Tales Banned 2016

WALT: create a DLO about mermaid tales being banned from Auckland Pools.
Today I have created a DLO about mermaid Tales being banned for Auckland Pools because of safety reason.

Paige's Values

WALT: create a DLO showing Tamaki Primary School's Values and having meanings with them.
Today I have finished creating a DLO of my school's values and there meanings. There is 5 interesting values and meanings to my drawing